If your finger is hovering over the e-mail blast button, stop and join this break-out session. More e-mail from your Society, could equal less engagement and, even worse, more unsubscribes. Even if you have great open rates, it doesn’t always lead to members taking action the action you need grow your Society.
The future of every membership organization is dependent upon attracting and engaging new members. It has been well documented that “Joining” is no longer seen to be the motivating factor it once was. ;Attracting and keeping early career physicians (ECP) is a unique challenge but essential to the continued health of our societies. So what’s the secret? This workshop will dissect two successful ECP engagement programs at both a state (American College of Emergency Physicians -California Chapter) and county level (Richmond Academy of Medicine). Both societies will share lessons learned from the entire process of planning, creating and growing their ECP initiatives. They will also highlight the unexpected organizational impacts of focusing on this key demographic.