Maureen McGuigan
Lackawanna Luzerne County Medical Societies
Maureen McGuigan is the Deputy Director for the Lackawanna County Arts and Culture Department in northeastern, Pennsylvania where she oversees a $1.4 million local tax generated fund for arts and culture programming. Through her program ARTS Engage! She has developed programs focusing on building community health and wellness through the arts. She is especially interested in mindful leadership and creating more holistic systems for social change. She has spoken on the topic related to the arts and health and wellness nationally and internationally most recently at the 2019 Montreal at the Communicating the Arts conference and Santiago, Chile at the Transformations 2019 conference. She holds a B.A. in history from the University of Pittsburgh and an M.F.A. in creative writing from St. Mary’s College, California. Ms. Mcguigan sits on the Arts Commission for the National Association of Counties (NACo), The Americans for the Arts County Arts County Network Steering Committee and the Board of the Citizens for the Arts in Pennsylvania.