Does your organization do great things, yet no one knows about them? That’s a common problem throughout the medical society world. We’re great at programs and member benefits, yet we find our members and potential members don’t know the value we bring. This session will explore simple, effective, and low budget ways your organization can highlight its value. You’ll leave with three impactful ways to promote your organization and grow your membership.
Krystle Medford began her career in 2001 as a medical biller with a surgery center in southern Colorado. After studying Business Marketing at Colorado State University, she travelled to Sri Lanka and Indonesia as a medical-aid relief worker directly following the devastating tsunami of 2004. Upon returning to the U.S., she continued her work in medical practices, specializing in IT implementation and practice consulting in the New York tri-state area. She has been the Executive Director of the Ouachita Medical Society since 2010. Her association management expertise has dramatically increased member engagement and membership retention/recruitment. She is currently relocating (with her husband, Philip, son Henry, daughter Olivia, and the family Pug, Dudley) to Colorado where she will be the Director of Membership for the Colorado Medical Society beginning this August.