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On Demand

90 minutes
Audio and Video
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In the third decade of the 21st century, association boards will have no choice but to confront serious challenges — including AI/automation, the climate crisis and economic inequality — that will have a profound impact on their stakeholders’ well-being. These unforgiving conditions make it crucial for boards to perform different work in a different way and at the highest possible level. In this webinar, participants will learn why the duty of foresight lives at the center of a more generative integration of stewardship, governing and foresight, and how it can inspire boards to focus their attention on understanding, anticipating and preparing their organizations, stakeholders and fields for a full range of plausible futures.
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On Demand

1 Hour
Audio and Video
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Racism is a public health issue, with significant impacts to health and well-being. Public health, healthcare professional and physicians know firsthand the impacts that long-standing discriminatory structures and institutionalized racism have on health outcomes. This has been particularly pronounced throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and documented by federal agencies including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Join Aletha Mayank, MD, MPH, AMA’s Chief Health Equity Officer and Group Vice President as she discusses the roles institutions have played in fostering, exacerbating, and perpetuating racism and other forms of oppression, and how medical societies can work with members, other professionals and communities to make significant and lasting change.
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On Demand

30 Minutes
Audio and Video
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The LPI®: Leadership Practices Inventory® assessment not only measures the frequency you engage in exemplary leadership behaviors leadership skills, but it also inspires the breakthrough insights needed to build positive relationships and achieve the extraordinary. This 360-degree assessment helps organizations create change towards a more motivated and productive workforce by building a culture of leadership.
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On Demand

57 minutes
Audio and Video
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If you are thinking of becoming a new Executive Director/CEO, or perhaps you are new to the position, this webinar is for you. First-time CEOs need to hit the ground running, tackling the many varied responsibilities and complex issues the head of an association confronts. Do these things well and you lay the groundwork for success; not so well and you might not survive to enjoy your first anniversary at the helm. Although the nuances of working in the top staff position vary from one association to the next, you can prepare yourself by understanding a number of CEO requirements, responsibilities, and expectations and skills. You will learn the importance of knowing what you are walking into, culture, working with staff, embracing good governance, and working with a Board. Beth Brooks, CAE, will tell you what to expect, and prepare for. If you are working for (or hope to work for a smaller staffed association), this is the ideal session for you).
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On Demand

15 Minutes
Audio and Video
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The American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM) is leading the charge to coalesce the health community around the goal to build a health system based on prevention. Through its Power of Prevention campaign, now in year two of three, ACPM is working with associations, nonprofits, industry, and academia to advocate for policies that push our health system’s focus upstream. Led by CEO Donna Grande, this campaign is a model for partnership-based advocacy.
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On Demand

45 minutes
Audio and Video
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On Demand

57 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Build your annual meeting beyond your educational activities and make it a memorable experience for your attendees. Burnout is a large topic in the medical industry now, so use your annual meeting to refresh and recharge your attendees while keeping budget in mind.
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On Demand

1 Hour
Audio and Video
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The “coronacrisis” has brought into greater public awareness the increased risk of mental distress, anguish and suicidality among healthcare workers. Medical society leaders have the opportunity to help prevent physician and trainee suicides through programming, messaging, influence, and friendships. We will discuss reasons physicians are at greater risk, messaging that can be targeted towards them to defeat hopelessness, and models of intervention and prevention that have worked in various places.
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On Demand

39 Minutes
Audio and Video
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There is no “one size fits” all approach to membership marketing. To meaningfully communicate the value of membership and drive member engagement, it is critical to identify your different member segments and understand their values and motivators. Personas – fictional characters created to represent different types of actual members – can help inform these efforts. The presenters will share their experiences synthesizing data from member surveys, censuses, and focus groups to develop member personas, as well as best practices for creating targeted messaging that raise awareness of membership benefits, encourage member participation, and increase retention.
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