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Personas and Engagement Scoring: Strategies for More Effective Audience Segmentation

Credit Available - See Credits tab below.

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Communication |  Membership
Lena Banks |  Sylvia Salazar
48 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Jul 27, 2018
Never expires.


Understand how developing personas and engagement scoring from available demographic and behavioral data, with a focus on motivations, needs, and other factors help provide a better overall picture of what persuades physicians to action (such as joining/renewing, purchasing a product, or utilizing a member service). See how these concepts can be combined to strategically segment audiences, identify and target priority groups, and produce more effective messaging that resonates with both current and potential members.

Educational Objectives and/or Takeaways:

  • Outline possible differentiator(s) for their market/audience personas
  • Understand the process of developing engagement scores
  • Understand how personas and engagement scoring can be utilized together to develop more personalized messaging



Credits Offered: 0.75

AAMSE is a CAE Registered Provider. This program meets the requirements for fulfilling the professional development requirements to earn or maintain the Certified Association Executive credential. Every program that we offer that has been approved for CAE credit will clearly identify the number of CAE credits granted for full participation. We will maintain records of your participation in accordance with CAE policies. For more information about the CAE credential or Registered Provider program, please visit

Note: Applicants may use any program that meets eligibility requirements in the specific timeframe towards the exam application or renewal. No specific individual courses are required as part of the applications – the selection of eligible education is up to the applicant based on his/her needs.


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