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On Demand

39 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
There is no “one size fits” all approach to membership marketing. To meaningfully communicate the value of membership and drive member engagement, it is critical to identify your different member segments and understand their values and motivators. Personas – fictional characters created to represent different types of actual members – can help inform these efforts. The presenters will share their experiences synthesizing data from member surveys, censuses, and focus groups to develop member personas, as well as best practices for creating targeted messaging that raise awareness of membership benefits, encourage member participation, and increase retention.
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On Demand

1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
So you have a social media presence. Great! But what is next? How do you keep users engaged? Hear 5 proven strategies from 5 panelists and learn how you can easily implement these ideas into your social media strategy.
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On Demand

54 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Management of healthcare volunteers should be purposeful and strategic. Volunteers are busy with their “day jobs” and already give back to their organizations by contributing time and thought leadership, making efficiency vital. Proper recruitment and utilization of volunteers can be the difference between tremendous success or complete failure. Learn how one healthcare association’s fundraising committee has exceeded their annual goals for more than a decade, setting new milestones and achieving unprecedented participation along the way.
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On Demand

58 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
To master the art of leadership then is to work at becoming a master of how human energy systems and exchange work, and thus, how to shape, align, and focus them on change. Our human systems appear to operate within a set of universal laws, the same universal laws that appear to govern energy exchange throughout the universe. Our systems vacillate and transform from chaos to order, and order to chaos, leaving change in their wake. Why? This session will be a fun and engaging journey exploring several key universal laws and their application to human system dynamics and leadership
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On Demand

1 Hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
What opportunities do the various employment paradigms present? Who are these third parties that increasingly employ physicians? How can medical societies partner with these networks to better engage physicians and serve physician needs? Panel participants will discuss how their businesses recruit, retain and drive physician leadership in their organization as well as what value propositions associations can offer that meet their unique business needs.
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On Demand

54 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Your organization has a powerful story to tell and so do you. Finding your message and your story takes the curiosity of a child and the heart of a warrior. We can train you to think like a journalist to capture the stories that speak to the heart of what you do and drive results. We all want to see ourselves in other people and we often make sense of the world through shared experiences. Stories help us connect on a human level. They make complex issues real for us by putting a human face on them. They inspire. They engage. Through stories, we move people to think, feel and do. We'll show you the storytelling techniques you've seen in your favorite movies and novels and share how you can use them to tell your medical society's story.
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On Demand

1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
If your finger is hovering over the e-mail blast button, stop and join this break-out session. More e-mail from your Society, could equal less engagement and, even worse, more unsubscribes. Even if you have great open rates, it doesn’t always lead to members taking action the action you need grow your Society.
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On Demand

53 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
We will collectively discuss strategies and potential outcomes and hear and react to what actually happened. In addition, legal updates will be interspersed throughout the session.
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On Demand

90 minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The COVID-19 pandemic affects many facets of associations, particularly in-person meetings and conferences. In this session, Jeffery Tenenbaum, Esq., will cover many of the legal implications involved with this current situation.
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On Demand

90 minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In the third decade of the 21st century, association boards will have no choice but to confront serious challenges — including AI/automation, the climate crisis and economic inequality — that will have a profound impact on their stakeholders’ well-being. These unforgiving conditions make it crucial for boards to perform different work in a different way and at the highest possible level. In this webinar, participants will learn why the duty of foresight lives at the center of a more generative integration of stewardship, governing and foresight, and how it can inspire boards to focus their attention on understanding, anticipating and preparing their organizations, stakeholders and fields for a full range of plausible futures.
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