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Comp Admission Winner

On Demand

1 Hour
Audio and Video
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What opportunities do the various employment paradigms present? Who are these third parties that increasingly employ physicians? How can medical societies partner with these networks to better engage physicians and serve physician needs? Panel participants will discuss how their businesses recruit, retain and drive physician leadership in their organization as well as what value propositions associations can offer that meet their unique business needs.
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On Demand

58 Minutes
Audio and Video
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To master the art of leadership then is to work at becoming a master of how human energy systems and exchange work, and thus, how to shape, align, and focus them on change. Our human systems appear to operate within a set of universal laws, the same universal laws that appear to govern energy exchange throughout the universe. Our systems vacillate and transform from chaos to order, and order to chaos, leaving change in their wake. Why? This session will be a fun and engaging journey exploring several key universal laws and their application to human system dynamics and leadership
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On Demand

50 Minutes
Audio and Video
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The COVID-19 pandemic has not only thrown a huge monkey wrench into associations’ planned in-person meetings and conferences, but has also thrown a big curve ball into association governance. From canceled membership meetings to virtual board meetings to online elections to an inability to meet governance requirements imposed by law, bylaws or policy, associations are struggling to find answers to a host of pressing governance questions. As you navigate these issues for your own association, where do you find these answers, what are practical, workable solutions to these significant challenges, and what will constitute compliance with the law and your own governing documents?
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On Demand

1 Hour, 2 Minutes
Audio and Video
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The future of every membership organization is dependent upon attracting and engaging new members. It has been well documented that “Joining” is no longer seen to be the motivating factor it once was. ;Attracting and keeping early career physicians (ECP) is a unique challenge but essential to the continued health of our societies. So what’s the secret? This workshop will dissect two successful ECP engagement programs at both a state (American College of Emergency Physicians -California Chapter) and county level (Richmond Academy of Medicine). Both societies will share lessons learned from the entire process of planning, creating and growing their ECP initiatives. They will also highlight the unexpected organizational impacts of focusing on this key demographic.
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On Demand

58 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Sheri Jacobs, FASAE, CAE, author of the Art of Membership, will identify the six trends healthcare associations cannot ignore, raise questions you should be discussing with your staff and leadership and provide examples of solutions being adopted by some organizations.
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On Demand

38 Minutes
Audio and Video
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The session will describe the American Academy of Pediatrics' (AAP) Pediatrician Life and Career Experience Study (PLACES) and highlight examples of data used by leadership.
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On Demand

90 minutes
Audio and Video
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In the third decade of the 21st century, association boards will have no choice but to confront serious challenges — including AI/automation, the climate crisis and economic inequality — that will have a profound impact on their stakeholders’ well-being. These unforgiving conditions make it crucial for boards to perform different work in a different way and at the highest possible level. In this webinar, participants will learn why the duty of foresight lives at the center of a more generative integration of stewardship, governing and foresight, and how it can inspire boards to focus their attention on understanding, anticipating and preparing their organizations, stakeholders and fields for a full range of plausible futures.
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On Demand

58 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
“What three words describe your profession?” It looks like an obvious question, but don’t be fooled. Taking time to ask—and building engagement around responses—can bolster everything from your association’s sense of belonging to your role in helping members convey what they do. This case study will explore how the AGS translated this simple question into a campaign for celebrating enthusiasm, spotlighting AGS leadership, and raising funds for our foundation (all with little-to-no budget).
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On Demand

1 hour, 32 Minutes (Three Parts)
Audio and Video
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This three-part session will focus on several parts: How Regulatory Relief is an Important Component of Tackling Physician Burnout—and what we can do about it with Koryn Rubin; Part 2: How One Medical Society Addresses Regulatory Relief and Prior Authorization with James Scroggs; and Resources and Tips to Address Prior Authorization with Emily Carroll and Heather McComas
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On Demand

29 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In today’s cost-conscious environment, it’s more important than ever to emphasize the value of membership to your organization. Quantifying the dollar value of your benefits and services and comparing that figure to annual dues provides a compelling argument to prospective and current members alike, who can quickly and easily see their current or potential return on dues dollars. Learn how TMA created its own online ROI calculator and start proving your association’s worth!
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