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On Demand

52 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Communication skills are vital to success as a leader and are potentially the biggest stumbling block one will encounter. This interactive workshop is focused on helping participants to improve their ability to communicate in key areas essential to their effectiveness. More specifically, this workshop will provide tools for listening effectively, outline common styles of communication, and give participants necessary insights to acknowledge and manage emotions during conflict and confrontation. Participants will have the opportunity to role play to reinforce the concepts.
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On Demand

57 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Build your annual meeting beyond your educational activities and make it a memorable experience for your attendees. Burnout is a large topic in the medical industry now, so use your annual meeting to refresh and recharge your attendees while keeping budget in mind.
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On Demand

1 Hour, 2 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The future of every membership organization is dependent upon attracting and engaging new members. It has been well documented that “Joining” is no longer seen to be the motivating factor it once was. ;Attracting and keeping early career physicians (ECP) is a unique challenge but essential to the continued health of our societies. So what’s the secret? This workshop will dissect two successful ECP engagement programs at both a state (American College of Emergency Physicians -California Chapter) and county level (Richmond Academy of Medicine). Both societies will share lessons learned from the entire process of planning, creating and growing their ECP initiatives. They will also highlight the unexpected organizational impacts of focusing on this key demographic.
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On Demand

46 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
8-track players used to be the pinnacle of car audio achievement... until cassette players! And then CD players. Today, it's satellites & phones. The goal has always been to keep the user happy with the product. Are your members happy with your benefits? Do you have 8-track players in your benefits package? Learn how to adjust your benefits to changing demographics and attract new members.
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On Demand

90 minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In the third decade of the 21st century, association boards will have no choice but to confront serious challenges — including AI/automation, the climate crisis and economic inequality — that will have a profound impact on their stakeholders’ well-being. These unforgiving conditions make it crucial for boards to perform different work in a different way and at the highest possible level. In this webinar, participants will learn why the duty of foresight lives at the center of a more generative integration of stewardship, governing and foresight, and how it can inspire boards to focus their attention on understanding, anticipating and preparing their organizations, stakeholders and fields for a full range of plausible futures.
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On Demand

90 minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The COVID-19 pandemic affects many facets of associations, particularly in-person meetings and conferences. In this session, Jeffery Tenenbaum, Esq., will cover many of the legal implications involved with this current situation.
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On Demand

59 minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Join Adele Cehrs, CEO of When and How Agency, crisis communications expert and author, as well as Chip Massey, former FBI hostage negotiator and special agent, for a 45-minute webinar on practical ways to keep your board and members calm regarding COVID-19.
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On Demand

1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Description: Short-term decision have been made in response to COVID-19, but what about the long-term decisions and impact? Mary Byers, CAE, author of ASAE’s bestseller, Race for Relevance: 5 Radical Changes for Associations, will join us to present a framework and filters to help with decision-making going forward. She’ll also share what she’s hearing from association professionals across the country, provide a list of resources and suggestions for working with the board, and answer your questions.
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Price with Discount:

On Demand

57 minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
If you are thinking of becoming a new Executive Director/CEO, or perhaps you are new to the position, this webinar is for you. First-time CEOs need to hit the ground running, tackling the many varied responsibilities and complex issues the head of an association confronts. Do these things well and you lay the groundwork for success; not so well and you might not survive to enjoy your first anniversary at the helm. Although the nuances of working in the top staff position vary from one association to the next, you can prepare yourself by understanding a number of CEO requirements, responsibilities, and expectations and skills. You will learn the importance of knowing what you are walking into, culture, working with staff, embracing good governance, and working with a Board. Beth Brooks, CAE, will tell you what to expect, and prepare for. If you are working for (or hope to work for a smaller staffed association), this is the ideal session for you).
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Price with Discount:

On Demand

50 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The COVID-19 pandemic has not only thrown a huge monkey wrench into associations’ planned in-person meetings and conferences, but has also thrown a big curve ball into association governance. From canceled membership meetings to virtual board meetings to online elections to an inability to meet governance requirements imposed by law, bylaws or policy, associations are struggling to find answers to a host of pressing governance questions. As you navigate these issues for your own association, where do you find these answers, what are practical, workable solutions to these significant challenges, and what will constitute compliance with the law and your own governing documents?
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